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About Old Mout Cider

The story of Old Mout began over 70 years ago. It started with a cycling trip to England, when Wanda Tait sampled the local scrumpy
and her taste buds fell in love. On her return to Nelson, she set up the cidery in a shed, and Old Mout was born.

Whilst our fruit ciders may be rooted in New Zealand, they’re all produced right here in the UK - Hereford, to be precise.
Even the exotic ones. We love trying new cider and fruit combinations that take the best from nature.

Old Mout range of flavours

Key Category Takeouts

Cider is the fastest growing category in the on-trade

Old Mout is the draught market leader in the category

Old Mout is seeing strong growth in the fridge
through a variety of flavour options: Strawberry & Apple,
Kiwi & Lime, Berries & Cherries, Pineapple & Raspberry.


Our passion doesn't stop at making adventurous, exotic fruit cider combinations. Whilst our fruity flavour combinations make for a balanced and refreshing cider, we always think about the impact we have on others.



Old Mout Cider is driving awareness with a multi-million
£ ATL campaign including a brand new TV ad.

An interactive BTL gamification platform that heroes
our WWF partnership, driving ROS & brand engagement.

A suite of POS to support in outlet visibility.

Old Mout support

Why Premium Flavoured cider?

Cider is the Fastest Growing Category in the On-Trade

Premium Flavoured is still in its infancy as a category on draught
but has grown strongly in the last few years to now be worth 10% of Draught Cider Sales.*

Old Mout premium cider

Old Mout Is The No.1 Draught Premium Flavoured Cider

Old Mout Berries & Cherries is the market leader in the Draught Flavoured category Premium.
Both Old Mout Draught flavours can demand the highest RSP versus their competitors.**

Old Mout Cider has 4 of top 10 Premium Flavoured SKU’s in the fridge.
Old Mout Berries + Cherries AF is the 3rd biggest NoLo brand and market leading NoLo Cider.***


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* Source: CGA Strategy Value Sales MAT LY v TY, Value Share MAT 4YA-TY, Value Sales Latest 12 Weeks TY,
Value RoS MAT TY 07.10.23, Brandtrack August 2023.
** Source: CGA Strategy Value Sales MAT TY, Average RSP Latest 12 Weeks TY, 07.10.23, CGA Volume Pool September 2023.
*** Source: CGA Strategy Value Sales MAT TY, Value Sales Latest 12 Weeks TY vs LY, CGA Strategy Value Sales MAT TY 07.10.23.
